Thursday 30 May 2019

Callum and Eyziyah Adding Ones, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands

Hi today I will be talking about Adding Ones, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands. I am doing this because me and my friend eyziyah are showing you what we have been learning in our prime maths groups. So we will be adding with regrouping once. So first you will have to find the sum of the question you start at the ones then work your way to the thousands.I made this video because I wanted to show you how you would add with regrouping.The hardest part of making this video is that eyziyah was not with me to help to record but I still loved making it. I enjoyed making this and I hope you enjoyed watching it. I hope you have learn't something new thanks for listing.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

A Moment in TIme

Hello today I published this piece because we were learning about what it was like for the maori witnesing captain cook arriving that happened 250 years ago. We went on a heritage walk to learn about these happenings thanks for listing Bye

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Screencastify Famous NZ'er

Today It was my first time using screencastify and I learnt how to record using it and it was very easy to use .